There are ways to find the best deals on hotels in Johannesburg, South Africa, and the South Africa Travel Blog will give you details on how to find these deals!
Visitors from developed countries, such as the USA and the UK, may find Johannesburg’s hotels cheap as they have strong currencies compared to the South African Rand (ZAR). (Learn more about South Africa’s money here) For visitors from other countries, Johannesburg may be expensive. Regardless of where you are from, accommodation costs will be one of the most significant expenses of your trip to South Africa.
Here you will discover tips to help you find the best deals on hotels in Johannesburg at every price point, ranging from budget hotels to luxury hotels. It is completely possible to save money, regardless of the hotel’s location or quality. And why should you pay more for a hotel when it is easy to find excellent deals on hotels in Johannesburg, South Africa?
This article will show you our tips to help you save money when you book accommodation for your visit to Johannesburg.
These are some tips to help you plan your trip to South Africa and some information on the best places in South Africa to visit.
Hotels in Johannesburg Map
Enter your travel dates below to find the available hotels based on your criteria, reviews, rates and stars.
Tips to Help You Find Deals on Hotels in Johannesburg
Use these methods to find special deals on hotels near the top attractions in all of Johannesburg’s best neighbourhoods.
Using Agoda.Com to Find Secret Deals on Hotels in Johannesburg, South Africa
Agoda offers a range of discounted deals on hotels in Johannesburg, South Africa. One of the first deals you can access is SECRET deals.
You first log in to your Agoda account. Then you start a search for Johannesburg accommodation for your specific dates. Once you have the search results, you will see the SECRET deals tab above your search results. Now you click on the secret deals tab, and the results will change to show you the secret deals in the search results.
Use Agoda.Com to Find Special Offers.
Agoda also offers special offers on hotels in Johannesburg, which may include free meals, special prices for hotel rooms or tickets to attractions. You can activate special offers by clicking to switch them on. You will find the activation toggle right above your search results. Once activated, it will update your search results.
Use Booking.Com to Find Special Deals on Hotels in Johannesburg.
You can also find special deals on hotels in Johannesburg using Log in to your account and search for accommodation in Johannesburg for your dates. Now tick “all deals” in the bar on the left to have your search results updated with the special deals.
Use Daddy’s Deals to Find Special Deals on Accommodation in Johannesburg
South Africa does not have Groupon deals anymore. Instead, you can find special deals on hotels in Johannesburg and on Johannesburg activities using discount sites, such as Daddy’s Deals.
When you are on the Daddy’s Deals home page, set your city to Johannesburg. Then you go to the sidebar on the left, tick accommodation, and select Johannesburg as the location. Your search results will update with the best deals on hotels in Johannesburg.
Use Hyperli to Find Excellent Deals on Hotels in Johannesburg.
Hyperli is another discounted deals website for South Africa. Set your destination to Johannesburg. Then click on categories to select travel deals.
Go to the left sidebar and select South Africa first and then Gauteng afterwards, as Johannesburg is in Gauteng.
Your search results will then update to reflect the deals in Johannesburg. Sometimes you can find pretty amazing deals here!
How to Use Trip Advisor to Find the Hotel Deals for Johannesburg
TripAdvisor is one of my favourite accommodation booking sites since they compare hotels from over 200 different sites. When you search for hotels in Johannesburg, the search results will show you hotels from other sites, including Expedia,,, eDreams and often also from hotel chains, making TripAdvisor convenient to use.
Once you have searched for hotels in Johannesburg, you can click on properties with special offers in the left sidebar to find hotels and other properties that are having special deals. These special deals are not necessarily the cheapest, but it is the best deal for the specific hotel or property.
Top Johannesburg Attractions and Tours
Once you have booked your hotel, start researching which of Johannesburg’s top attractions and tours you would like to do. If you love animals, we can recommend the following activities in or near Johannesburg:
- Johannesburg Zoo
- Croc City Crocodile and Reptile Park
- Montecasino Bird Gardens
- Elephant Sanctuary near Hartbeespoort
Here are some suggested tours and organised activities:
More Articles About Hotels in Johannesburg
Here are some other articles on hotels in or near Johannesburg:
- If you are flying into or out of Johannesburg International AIrport, find out about the Hotels near Johannesburg International Airport.
- Less than an hour outside Johannesburg, you will find the magical Misty Hills in Magaliesburg.
- Lanseria International Airport is the second-busiest airport in Johannesburg and excellent for cheap flights from George and Cape Town. Find out about the Hotels near Lanseria International Airport
- If you want a luxurious stay in Johannesburg, consider these luxury hotels in Johannesburg.